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Post-Graduation in WEB Development Systems
UEM | Maringa, PR, Brazil
2011 - 2013
B.A in Information Systems
UniFil | Londrina, PR, Brazil
2006 - 2009
Ernani Moura
Senior Android Developer
Experienced Android Developer with a strong background in Kotlin and Java, boasting over a decade of expertise in software development with proficiency in Android Studio, Jetpack, SQLite, Room, Retrofit, MVVM, Git, and Sourcetree.
Teamwork and unshakable determination are my strong points.
Senior Android Developer at QMC | Port Coquitlam, BC
Jan 2024 - Currently
Designed, developed, and implemented a comprehensive mobile application for on-site technicians to read and send meter checklists.
Utilized Kotlin, MVVM architecture, Retrofit for networking, Kodein for dependency injection, Room for local database management, Glide for image loading, and SDUI XML for layout design.
Senior Android Developer at QP | Vancouver, BC
Kotlin / Java
Koin / Kodein
SQLite / Room
Android Jetpack
Livedata / Flow
Git / Sourcetree / Bitbucket / Github
Apr 2022 - Oct 2023
Provided comprehensive support for the "QP" social media app, employing an advanced tech stack including Kotlin, Android Studio, MVVM architecture, Retrofit, and SQLite.
Demonstrated end-to-end ownership of crucial app features, including strategic alignment with business objectives, integration into the overall architecture, and meticulous attention to back-end and front-end strategies.
Played an instrumental role as a development team member, actively contributing to conceptualizing and creating the app's architecture. Collaborated closely with the product owner to ensure continuous alignment between existing features and future developments.
Increased our development team with external developer partners in Brazil and owned the relationship end to end, including their training, development and code review.
Android Developer at Atimi | Vancouver, BC
Apr 2019 - Apr 2022
Developed and maintained the "AmbiMi" application utilizing Kotlin, Koin, MVVM, Retrofit, and SQLite. I demonstrated proficient development skills and worked collaboratively with backend developers. My active participation in meetings was key in shaping crucial business and architectural decisions.
I was part of the "player" team to address various bugs within the "Audible" application. Resolved a critical issue related to enabling users to download entire books, thereby improving download efficiency.
During this experience, I also used Room, Android Navigation, View Binding, and conducted Unit Testing as part of the development process.
Android Developer at Cinq Technologies | Curitiba, PR, Brazil
May 2017 - Aug 2018
Responsible for developing the "Rondante" app at RUMO Logistics using Java, Amazon API, Gson, Crashlytics, Picasso, Room, AppCompat, and Retrofit2.
Development and support of educational apps “PositivoON Aluno”, “PositivoON Família” and “PositivoON Professor” using Java, library's Realm, ButterKnife, Volley, AppCompat, Gson, Firebase, MVVM, Annotations, Picasso, Crashlytics.
Android Developer at Cinq Technologies | Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Oct 2015 - Jul 2016
Responsible for development and maintenance of Checkmob project using Java, Android Studio, Subversion, SQLite Database, communication with Web-Services.
Android Developer at TIMO Digital Solutions | Londrina, PR, Brazil
Jan 2014 - Mar 2015
App Development using Java and Android Studio and/or Eclipse for smartphones and tablets. Communication with Web-Services using JSON, Google Maps, Login with social media, SQLite Database, Push Notifications, In-app Purchases, AdMob. I developed about 15 apps during the time in the company.
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